Promo | Feast of St. Francis

Sep 30, 2021    Ryan Marsh, Rachel Horton

"All the earth bows down to you;
they sing praise to you,
they sing the praises of your name.”
- Psalm 66:4

This Sunday is the Feast of St. Francis! We specifically celebrate the ways that St. Francis followed Jesus into earth-keeping and holy friendship with all creation. And that means we invite all of our pets to worship with us in the sanctuary, whether it's a dog, cat, lizard, hamster, bunny, rock... well, you name it. Crazy right?!

Here are some options of engagement for your pet:
- Hang out for the whole service with you, leashed or caged
- Hang out safely in your vehicle and then come in for a pet-blessing
- Bring in a picture of your pet for a vicarious blessing
- Engage via Livestream. A moment of blessing will occur specifically for those joining from home.

Choose the one that's right for you.
And if you have allergies, don't forget your Claritin! : )