Safe Haven

Safe Haven | Training & Expectations

Here at Salt House, we value the personhood of everyone who walks through our doors. We must also be intentional in making our faith community safe. Our congregation cannot ignore this reality. In God’s love, we must respond with direct, positive, and preventative actions to build and sustain our congregation as a safe place for all children, youth and adults. We do this through Safe Haven Training.

Creating a Safe Haven community at Salt House includes:
  • A screening process to assure that all persons working with children and/or vulnerable adults can provide a healthy and safe place.
  • A training component to build awareness and provide skills that help us be sensitive and alert to abusive situations and an appropriate loving response.
  • An expectation that all those who provide care for those under 18 and vulnerable adults will undergo training once every three years.

All adults working with our children and youth programs need to attend the training. Safe Haven training is conducted throughout the year so all have a chance to attend prior to working with our Salt House Kids programs.

Watch for additional dates at Salt House as our congregation grows.  
Childcare is available during the training, but must be arranged two weeks in advance.