GIVING at Salt House (How it's Going)

Nov 29, 2022    Sara Wolbrecht

Here's a #givingtuesday update about giving at Salt House as we head into the holiday season. We've said many "yes"-es to where God is leading and our most current yes is to continue expanding our ministry impact and connections. Pastor Sara gives an update on how it's going money-wise at Salt House.

For FY23, the Budget calls for $462,000 in total giving for the year to the General Fund. This is $38,500 / month. Through 4 months (July-Oct) this would be $154,000. Through the end of October, we have received $129,429.45 to General Giving, a shortage of $24,571 as compared to our desired amount of $154,000 (that’s a 16% difference). We are at a pace of falling about $6,000 short each month.

The month of December is always a time of generosity here at Salt House. And so we’d love for you to hear how your giving to SH is needed right now and giving your money – and as Jesus says, which also means your heart – here, is your continued YES to the love and life we are building here together.

Matthew 6:21 - For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.