Wildly Inspiring Generosity


Spring at Salt House is preparation time for the fiscal year that will begin on July 1st. Our staff and our church council has been visioning and listening and dreaming for what it looks like for us to follow Jesus into this next fiscal year.

This means new leaders will be joining our church council and our nominating team to serve our community. It's a time too for us to set our church budget, which we will vote on as a community on June 9th at our annual meeting. We're just asking those questions, what are our anticipated expenses and our sources of income and that fuel and make possible this mission and ministry that we share together.

Watch the video here!

INVITATION #1 - Pledge for the next fiscal year

This beloved community of Salt House is 100% collaboration. What God is doing here is made possible because of you and how you give; your time to volunteer here and serve others and to love, in relationships and group, and financially. Your “YES” in giving of yourself and your financial support is what makes our life together what it is. You have fueled our NINE YEARS of flourishing here on the East side, which is just a marvel!

It's time to prayerfully consider how Jesus is leading you to give financially in the next fiscal year, which will begin on July 1st. Often churches call this PLEDGING. It's really just naming your prayerful intention for what you want to give for this next year, which will begin July 1st 2024 and go to June 30th 2025.

We talk about money at Salt House because Jesus talked about money. It’s woven through all of his stories, his parables, and it’s the centerpiece of the sermon on the Mount where Jesus says, “For where your treasure is there, your heart will be also.” We come back to it here at Salt House to remind ourselves that what Jesus says here is true, that what we do with what our money shapes our hearts. We take seriously and tenderly that we aim to live generous, to live with lives of generosity. And so giving, we want to give our money towards where we want our heart to go because where your treasure is there, your heart will also be.
Making a pledge is a statement of INTENT on what you’re planning to give to Salt House during the 2024-25 Fiscal Year which starts July 1. We’d like everyone who has committed to giving to Salt House to take the time and let us know your plan for giving in the coming year. This helps us make our plans for this next year’s budget.

INVITATION #2 - Give now to shrink our deficit

Now the second invitation for today has to do with right now this fiscal year, which will end on June 30th. Our approved budget for this current year had an anticipated deficit of $30,000. This was approved knowing that we had savings that we were willing to invest for growing our mission ministry as well as setting the intention of growing our giving rates.

Today, our projected deficit could be $30,000 - $55,000. More than we anticipated. Considering that information, I want to share with you that we’ve historically seen about $85,000 of income come in for April, May and June (Q4). But last year when we communicated to the community about our deficit ($40-60k), the community responded by giving $120,000! WOW!

So, this invitation is that you’d prayerfully consider where you can grow your giving this year for Salt House, whether that's $20 a month or $200 or $2,000. If we match our giving from last spring (bringing in $120,000 in the next few months), we would finish with a deficit of $20,000, which is much better than the anticipated $30,000


I find generosity to be so wildly inspiring, and our staff and council are just in awe of something that happened in the past few weeks. A Salt House member who has bought in so fully to this vision that's beginning to form for our future as well as our current life together, saw our need and they responded by donating $30,000 on top of their regular giving for this year. I know, I know. $30,000. And they want to jump start our ministry for the future. They believe in what God is doing here in us. It is amazing to me the generosity of our community!

So, these are your two invitations in response to where we're at as a community this spring in this home stretch of this fiscal year. And as we look to the vibrant life that Jesus is leading us into for next year as well.

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