Advent Week 1 - The Promise of Truth
Advent Week 1 - The Promise of Truth

Advent offers permission to see the world as it really is while still hoping for a future we can
only sometimes glimpse.
“‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah. ‘In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line he will do what is just and right in the land. In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which it will be called: The Lord Our Righteous Savior.’”
—JEREMIAH 33:14-16
only sometimes glimpse.
“‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will fulfill the good promise I made to the people of Israel and Judah. ‘In those days and at that time I will make a righteous Branch sprout from David’s line he will do what is just and right in the land. In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety. This is the name by which it will be called: The Lord Our Righteous Savior.’”
—JEREMIAH 33:14-16
Watch Pastor Sara's Sermon
“Jesus, hope of our hearts, your Gospel assures us that the Kingdom of God is in our midst, even within us.”
--Brother Roger of Taize
--Brother Roger of Taize
I need this annual angel visitation --this sudden dive by dream into reality-- to know the virgin conceives and God is with us. The dream powers its way through winter weather and gives me vision to see the Jesus gift.
Light from the dream lasts a year. Through equinox and solstice I am given twelve months of daylight by which to build the creche where my Redeemer lives.
The fetus of praise grows deep in my spirit. As autumn wanes I count the days until I bear the dream again.
--Eugene Peterson
Light from the dream lasts a year. Through equinox and solstice I am given twelve months of daylight by which to build the creche where my Redeemer lives.
The fetus of praise grows deep in my spirit. As autumn wanes I count the days until I bear the dream again.
--Eugene Peterson
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