Constitutional Update Info

During our Mid-Year Congregational Meeting on Sunday, January 12, 2025, we'll be attending to some constitutional amendments. Click the button below to view the model constitution and proposed amendments.


Those provisions marked with an asterisk are required when a congregation amends its governing documents. They must be used without alteration or amendment of the text in any manner (i.e., neither additions nor deletions are permissible). Such provisions go into effect immediately upon approval by a majority vote of those voting members present and voting at any legally called meeting of the congregation, provided that they have been presented to the congregation at least 30 days prior to the meeting.

Provisions not marked with an asterisk are non-required provisions. These provisions represent wording recommended by the Churchwide Assembly. If the congregation chooses to incorporate them into the congregation’s constitution exactly as presented here, these provisions require a majority vote of those voting members present and voting at any legally called meeting of the congregation, provided that they have been presented to the congregation at least 30 days prior to the meeting.

If the wording of non-required provisions is altered or amended from the text presented here, the provisions must be approved at one congregation meeting by a majority vote and then must be ratified without change by a two-thirds vote at the next regular meeting of the congregation. (See Model Constitution for Congregations, *C16.04. for more detail)
  • Rationale: [This amendment was proposed on the assembly floor during the 2019 Churchwide Assembly; consequently, no rationale was provided prior to the assembly] 
  • Broader language of equity and diversity  
    • *C4.02.d. 
    • C9.03.a.8) 
    • *9.23.c. 
  • Rationale: Inclusive language 
    • *C6.05.a&d. 
    • *C9.13 
    • *C9.31 
  • Rationale: These changes parallel changes being made elsewhere in the Constitutions, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions of the ELCA. Language related to disability has been changed to reflect current understandings and to clarify that inability and incapacity to conduct the pastoral office effectively are the standard to be considered. In addition, the words, the words, “any of” have been inserted for precision, and references to the synod bishop have been made inclusive. 
    • *C9.05.a.4) & b. & c. 
    • *9.25.a&b&c 
  • Rationale: The deletion of “parochial” is for consistency of usage 
    • *C9.12. 
  • Rationale: These changes parallel changes being made elsewhere in the Constitutions, Bylaws, and Continuing Resolutions of the ELCA. The deletion of “parochial” is for consistency of usage. The second change is for inclusive language 
    • *C9.14 
  • Rationale: Change for inclusion of both rosters 
    • *C15.02 
  • Rationale: “Regular meeting” has already been defined elsewhere in the Constitutions, Bylaws, and continuing resolutions of the ELCA. In addition, C10.01 is not a required provision, so it is not advisable to make reference required provision to a non-required provision. 
    • *C16.02a-c 
  • Rationale: Change for precision. This has often been incorrectly interpreted to mean that the synod must vote to approve amendments that are designated to bring the congregation’s constitution into alignment with the Model Constitution. In fact, amendments to bring any section or sections, either required or not required, into conformity with the Model Constitution go into effect immediately upon the congregation’s vote to amend 
    • *C16.04 
Not Required (to be accepted without change needs simple majority. If altered, requires second vote at a different meeting with 2/3rds vote)
  • Rationale: This change recognizes that there are other means of providing for simultaneous communication, for those with hearing disabilities, for example 
    • C10.08 
    • C12.13 
  • Rationale: There is often confusion surrounding the term “ex officio”. The intended meaning is that someone who is a voting member ex officio has both voice and vote because of the office that person holds. The term is often misunderstood, however, to mean that the person cannot vote. 
    • C10.09 
  • Rationale: Because synods have different systems for receipt of mission support monies from congregations, the elimination of the word “treasurer” allows for greater flexibility 
    • C12.05

Not required and not recommended since we do not have this structure
  • Rationale: If the pastor is the president of the congregation, the congregation may consider giving the vice president the authority to call a special meeting 
    • C10.02 
    • C12.11 
    • C13.08

Required, but not recommended since we do not have this structure
  • Rationale: If the pastor is the president of the congregation, the congregation may consider giving the vice president the authority to call a special meeting 
    • *C15.11 
  • Rationale: Editorial change 
    • *C20.02 
    • *C20.03d 

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