Hello Families of Middle and High Schoolers (and 5th graders)!
Pastor Ryan Marsh and Rachel Horton here! We get to talk about two of our favorite things – SPARK and Y@SH, our youth groups at Salt House!
Have you been curious about how to help your tween or teen in their spiritual development? Wondering how Salt House can support them as they grow in their relationship with God? This letter will give you all the details!
Salt House offers two inclusive and affirming youth groups: 
  • Spark Youth is for middle schoolers (and 5th graders this year!)
  • Y@SH is for our high schoolers. 

Our youth groups will be exploring God’s story of freedom in the book of Exodus this year.
The Ten Commandments - About Catholics
How do we live as people have been set free?
Well, you may have heard of the 10 Commandments. This is a special gift given to those that Yahweh sets free to live as free people through the Way of Love.  Jesus said that every command God has ever given is covered by, “Love God and love others.” Then he showed us exactly what he meant by “love” through his life, death and resurrection.  
We love God when we use our freedom to whole-heartedly trust and obey God (Commands 1-3). We love others when we use our power to protect other’s dignity and resist exploiting their weaknesses (Commands 4-10).  Yahweh tells us, “talk about this Way of Love with your kids at home when you wake up and go to bed, write it where you can see it and keep it in your heart.” (Deuteronomy 6:6-9) – let’s do this!
A group of people lying on the floor

Description automatically generatedParents and Guardians are integral to faith development of teens and tweens. One of the most important things you can do is continue to have discussions with your child about their faith, what they are learning, and explore questions together.
Talk about God’s Way of Love as much as you can, at meals and before bed, and we’ll give you some resources along the way to help you.  Start by reading the book of Exodus as a family and putting the ten commandments somewhere on your table.
And encourage your kids to stay involved, both on days with the big fun events and low-key days where we explore the Bible! One of our absolute favorite things about these youth ministries is that they are relational ministries.  Each kid is viewed as a unique person and the leaders are there to get to know them as individuals and walk with them on their faith journey.  Whatever questions your kids are asking, whatever they believe, they are welcome at Spark and Y@SH.
On Sunday, September 15th we will have our Fall Kickoff! Spark will meet after service from 11:30am – 12:30pm and Y@SH will meet in the evening from 6:30pm – 8:00pm.
And make sure to check out the entire fall schedules on the SPARK and Y@SH Pages  You’re going to want to mark your calendars for all the fun events!
We’re looking forward to seeing you and your kids this fall!
~ Rachel Horton & Pastor Ryan Marsh ~
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